Friday, December 5, 2008

There will come a day...

There is a song by Jeremy Camp that speaks of a "day with no more fear, no more pain, no more tears..." for Skip that day was yesterday. For the rest of us, it has yet to come. Yesterday was a day like no other I have ever spent; and, it had a huge impact on my soul. There were so many things that resonated in my heart and mind yesterday - I will share just a few so that you can grasp the continuing journey of this family that we all love. There were tears, from those who know and love Skip; these, of course, fall naturally as we think of our loss of a loved one. There was laughter as stories of "Skipisms" were shared - some old, some new -- Skip's sense of humor will remain with us as we each remember the funny things he did to brighten our days. There was gratefulness as his loved ones and friends remembered how he had entered, impacted and changed their lives. And, there was peace .... yes peace... as we talked about the "fact" that Skip is with the Lord - rejoicing, celebrating, worshiping.... what a thought... what a promise for each of us to grasp. The peace of knowing this brought comfort to Linda and the girls - and, for that I was very grateful.

My reflection of the day was two fold.... first, I rested in the fact that because of my faith I can be certain that my life as I leave this earth will be beyond anything I can ever imagine..a time when I will once again see all those that I have loved but have gone before me... I have prayed for each person that reads this blog that your heart can rest in the same certainty... second, it was a time of awakening for me regarding my time here on earth --- what can I do differently? how can I love more? how can I be a better wife, mom, daughter, friend.. It was a humbling day as I concluded that there were so many things I could do differently, so many things I could do better, so many small things that could be set aside to focus on the things that are truly "worthy"...

Please continue to pray for Linda and the girls and the rest of Skip's family as the reality of this great change begins to unfold in their lives - there will be many emotions that will come upon them and the faithful prayers of those who love them will be priceless to them in these coming days.

...I pray that peace is with each of you today... that you will take each day here as a gift and that you will find strength to handle the struggles of this life.

(For those of you that are desiring ways to lend a hand - I will be sending out another post and e-mail later today to address that.)

Debbi Garcia

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